Friday, April 18, 2008

Spinning, Deltora & Yarn!!!

So one of the things that I still need to do a catch-up on here is my knitting stuff... but the thing that I'm absolutely addicted to right now is spinning.

This all started last fall... I wanted to learn more about the yarn I was using for knitting, and thought that it would be fun to take a spinning class. So I signed up at The Yarn Barn (our local yarn store) and took a class. I was fascinated with this process and bought a couple of spindles and some fiber to play around with at home. While I have finally started making decent yarn on the spindle, I just did not enjoy it like I did with the spinning wheel in class. So in February I decided to take another class. It was about how to create the types of yarn that I wanted rather than accepting the yarn that I ended up with. And I wanted more! I have now taken my third spinning class and...

My hunny got me this lovely Schacht Ladybug on March 29th. Since then I can NOT quit spinning... I am totally addicted.

My son, Ethan and I live with my parents currently, and almost every evening we read together as a family. We are currently reading the Deltora Series by Emily Rodda.

When we first started reading this young readers series, I was reading it to Ethan, then my mom was listening in since she was in the same room and got hooked on the story, then she told my dad to sit and listen one evening and he was hooked too. So for awhile Mom would crochet, Dad would lean back in his chair and Ethan would cuddle on my lap while I read the story. My father has an amazing voice, so Mom suggested one night that Dad read. That night worked on a sock I was knitting while he read and it was amazing how much knitting I got done in that hour. So we continued with him reading the next night, and every night since. There have been nights that all of sudden we realize we have been reading for 2 hours. So now we stick to a maximum of 4 chapters (well, with some exceptions) per night.

Once I got my spinning wheel though I started spinning while listening to Dad read... and talk about relaxing. Listening to my father read us the story of Lief, Jasmine & Barda as they battle the Shadow Lord in the magical land of Deltora while letting the fibers slip through my fingers into the twist and making it yarn. I know, I'm weird, but it is the best thing for letting the "blah's" of the day slip away.

So what am I making? Here are some of my yarns that I've made in the last 3 weeks.

Fiber: 100% Merino
Colorway: Sage
Purchased at: The Yarn Barn of Kansas
WPI: 12
Yardage: ~280
Spin Dates: March 29 - April 3

I know, it's not very consistent, but for my first yarn, I am ecstatic!

Brand: Louet Karaoke
Fiber: 50% Soysilk 50% Wool
Colorway: Mermaid
Purchased at: The Yarn Barn of Kansas
WPI: 15
Yardage: ~304
Spin Dates: April 4 - April 10

Fiber: My own Drumcarded Mix of Alpaca, various wools, merinos, silk nubs, etc.
Colorway: Pumpkin Latte
WPI: 24
Yardage: ~323
Spin Dates: April 11 - April 14.

I still need to set the twist on this, but other than that it is done.

I have no clue what the Sage Merino or the Karaoke Mermaid are destined to become... but the Pumpkin Latte I think is going to be mixed with the fiber I just started spinning last night to become the Swirl Shawl by Jojoland.
I'm always open for suggestions though, any ideas on what these yarns should be?

I can't wait for the day to end so I can go home to listen to the newest adventures in Deltora while Ethan sits on the floor next to me and makes his newest spaceship out of Legos and I make more yarn...

Have a fabulous weekend all!

Till Later!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Catch up: A bit about the kiddo

My son, Ethan was born 9/9/99. He is currently a 2nd grader at the local catholic school. He is an incredibly active kid and keeps me busy most of the time.

Picture at left: Ethan at his first communion (April 2008)

Picture at right: Ethan with "Best Buddy" Jimmy at the KU Jayhawks National Champion Welcome Home Celebration (April 2008)

Sports: Bowling, baseball and basketball! I currently coach his bowling and baseball teams, but stick to the bleachers during basketball. He is decent at basketball, but mainly I think he sticks with it because it is something to do with his buddies. He really enjoys baseball and is pretty good at it too. And then there is bowling. He LOVES it. As a non-bowler, I don't get it, but he is downright amazing with a bowling ball and loves to bowl on his youth league and in tournaments. He won his first college scholarship when he was in Kindergarten when he placed 2nd in the local scholarship tournament (the amazing part, all the other bowlers were in high school!!!). In 3 years of bowling he has taken 1st in one tournament and 2nd in two.

Animals: 1 miniature schnauzer named Buddy, crested geckos, fat-tail geckos, fish, and Holland Lop rabbits. Lots and lots of rabbits...

Picture at left: 1 week old litter of our baby bunnies (April 2008)

Other: Video games, Cub Scouts, and just being an all-around awesome kiddo!

He is the absolute JOY of my life!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You had me at Rock Chalk!!!

There really is a good reason for not getting on to do a post last night...

Everyone who knows me is aware of my fascination with the KU Jayhawks. Especially the basketball team. Well, last night was the NCAA National Championship game. KU vs. Memphis. What an amazing game! When there was about 1 minute left in the game and the Jayhawks were behind, I looked at my dad and said "We are going to overtime". His response was that he could handle that. I just knew in my heart that it wasn't over. And it wasn't. WOW, what an amazing game. It may have taken them 20 years to get another National Championship, but it has been a blast watching them work towards this.

Congratulations Jayhawks, we are all incredibly proud of you!

While watching the game I finished a project that I've been working on throughout the last two weeks while watching the Jayhawks play.

This is Karaoke Soysilk in the Mermaid Colorway by Louet. Karaoke is 50% soysilk and 50% wool.

Till Later!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh My!!

I am absolutely horrified that I have not posted anything since JULY 2007! I've pulled this up several times, stare at it awhile, and then don't do anything with it.

So my goal... to catch this up... so much has happened over the last 9 months... Tonight, I WILL post at least a little to start catching this up.